• whyus

Why us—we help people who help people.

You have a project, you've written a plan, or you have been supporting your cause. Now you need the money that makes the difference. You've come to the right place.

1.5 million nonprofits now account for more than $1 trillion in revenues in the United States alone. But many nonprofits spend more time than ever searching for financial support. They are also spending more time collecting data and reporting on performance to support their continued operations and receive funding.

Let's look at what you wanted to do in the first place. — Help Others.

We provide well-researched information, common sense, and guidance to social entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, board members, philanthropists, and startups that help them achieve significant social change. Even those that support your cause can become distracted. We will show you how to raise the awareness of your existing and new donors.

In addition, you will learn how to boost your cause, not by just asking for funds but by inspiring donors through the heart of your story.


To increase the impact of nonprofits, worthy causes, newly-formed organizations, and foundations. We tell stories about those in need and motivate people to help.

Call or text for a consult 703.223.9502. | Email | Use our easy Contact Form

Doing Good BETTER
Where Non-profits Go

Serving Virginia and Washington DC
© 2024